Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mock of Kintyre

In a heritage pronouncement as blundering as Michelle Roberts' one of October 25, The Scotsman of November 14 proclaims the following mocker one of the "14 Buildings in Scotland you must see before you die".

Why 14 buildings specifically, I do not know. Perhaps that was the Tudors' lucky number??? I do know Henry XIII had about that many wives.

Anyway, to quote The Scotsman:

"Kinloch Castle, Rhum, 1906 Leeming & Leeming
'I CAN scarcely describe the effect of the crowded Edwardian interior of Kinloch Castle,' wrote John Betjeman after visiting this opulent Scottish castle. The mock-Tudor house was built by the industrialist Sir George Bullough as a sporting retreat, complete with its own hydroelectric plant, air conditioning and telephone system. 'Kinloch castle provides a fascinating insight into social history and the mindset of the Victorian entrepreneur,' says Lewis."

Its own hydro plant, aircon and telephone system, eh? Add a power boat, pizza oven and Cocos palm, and a more ideal prototype for a modern mocker in Mullalloo you could not find.


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