A scandal of Tudorbethan proportions!
I've unwittingly outted myself.
Mock Tudor, Mock Tudor made from white pewter, slave-mined in Malaysia and shipped to Westralia. Mock Tudor, Mock Tudor, brown trim flown by Garuda from the forests of Sarawak, not by road like Jack Kerouac. Mock Tudor, Mock Tudor, measured up by computer and assembled by you in pristine Mullaloo. Mock Tudor, Mock Tudor at your beach house in Kuta - sympathetic, unique, sycophantic, yet chic. It's never unsightly - you've touched the earth lightly.
Hey Grumps,
greetings from Tonga
have you seen http://perthworst.wordpress.com/
You guys could start a club
Thanks Slats, but it's a bit too inner-North for my liking.
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